Kaed kaed psuhhosomatics

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Vernetson, W. All of these items were selected recognizing the objectives of the University Reactor Instrumentation Program to respond to the widespread needs in the academic reactor community for modernization and improvement of research and training reactor facilities, especially at large and diverse institutions such as the University of Florida. These needs have been particularly pressing at the UFTR which is the only such research and training reactor in the State of Florida which is undergoing rapid growth in a variety of Kaed kaed psuhhosomatics areas.

As indicated in Table 2, the first item is a security system control panel with associated wiring and detectors.

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The existing system is over 30 years old and has been the subject of repeated maintenance over the past 5 years. Some of its detection devices are no longer replaceable from stock.

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Modifications made many years ago make troubleshooting some parts of the system such as the backup battery charging subsystem essentially impossible, further increasing maintenance frequency to replace batteries.

Currently, various parts of the system cable trays remain open for maintenance access further degrading facility appearance.

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In light of relicensing plans, this item is also a key consideration for housekeeping appearance considerations. Replacement of this system was expected to save up to 5 days of maintenance per year, decrease security alarm response.

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